simon ball

film director





The Future Can Be Yours - 2024

International Competition interfilmBerlin, London Short Film Festival, St Andrews FF,
Crystal Palace International Film Festival, Ealing Film Festival, Greenwich Film Festival
Courant3D, Kurz Klub, Belgrade International Film Festival, White Rose International FF,

Screaming Droid FF, more tba



winner best narrative short Cinequest, AI Grand Prix Courant3D, screened at Pitzhanger Manor


You Are Here - 2021

BAFTA longlisted, LSFF, CBFF, St Albans, we screened at the ICA


Golden - 2013

from back in the day, British Shorts Berlin, LSFF, winner of the Leamington Underground Short Film Prize

(Mike Leigh messed with my head so i took a break for like 10 years)


commercial clients include


Historic England


Trades Union Congress

Unicorn Grocery

The New Conservatives

International Labour Organization

UCLH Biomedical Research Centre

Little Village

London College of Communication

Participatory City Foundation

Basildon Council

Fylde Council

Meanwhile Gardens Skatepark

Co-operatives UK



Dot Coop

Forum For The Future

Founders & Coders

Heritage Open Days


it's been a wild ride



if you're reading this website, congratulations, you won the internet